If you have arrived at this page it means two important things. That you are an MSME, not just any MSME, but one with a vision and this is exactly what we at TIME2 are looking for.
We are offering a rare opportunity for select MSMEs to collaborate with the Indian Institute of Science to
Strategize Business.
Develop Technologies.
Design Products.
During this Summit we will be unveiling several new offerings like SPACE SESSION, NxG Fellowship, TTF Fellowships and the LEAP Network in addition to the MxP program that was started successfully last year. During the course of the program you will also be able to understand how you can seek to enlist yourself for any of these specific opportunities.
The summit is ofcourse just the first step after which we screen and evaluate each MSME carefully and a small, set of handpicked organisations will begin the process of collaborative innovation with TIME2.
So if you have the deep desire to innovate, to move your business to the next orbit and create something truly durable and are willing to invest the time, money and resource to make your dream happen, join us.
Sorry you missed the TIME2LEAP summit 2018. Please leave your details and we will contact you to take the conversation forward.