Tech bi

IISc today has two Technical Business Incubators associated with Center for Product Design and Manufacturing and Center
for Nano Science and Engineering, supported by KBITs and GoK.

InCeNSE, the Technology Business Incubator (TBI) at The Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore is funded by Government of Karnataka to support ideas from entrepreneurs and start-ups (not restricted to IISc alumni) in the area of nano- technology. It aims to be one-stop solution platform for translating ideas to products, and offers incubatees an incomparable support to grow their businesses for different applications by providing them with access to state-of-the-art lab and fabrication facilities, supported by experienced technologists, as well as the intellectual domain knowledge of CeNSE faculty.

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MedTech Incubator: Society for Innovation and Develop-ment (SID), IISc in association with Department of Inno-vation and Technology, Government of Karnataka, has established a MedTech & Geriatric Healthcare Technolo-gy Business Incubator (CPDMed TBI) at Centre for Pro-duct Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. The establishment facilitates inno-vation and entrepreneurship and invites innovator entre-preneurs for developing and realisation of their ideas from hatching and nurturing through to commercialisa-tion in the area of Geriatric MedTech.

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