Jatin Tiwari

Jatin Tiwari

Advisory Board Jatin Tiwari Head – Corporate Partnerships and National Truckers Eye Health Program Sightsavers Read More [Back]

Gautam V Soni

Gautam V Soni

Advisory Board Gautam V Soni Associate Professor Raman Research Institute (RRI) My lab’s work is primarily guided by the question of fundamental synergy of structures in biological systems and their functional dynamics. In their native state, genomes of all eukaryotic organisms are folded into complex higher-order structures. Given its role in regulating all DNA andRead more about Gautam V Soni[…]

Chetan Subramanian

Chetan Subramanian

Advisory Board Chetan Subramanian Professor & Dean (Faculty) IIM Bangalore Professor Chetan Subramanian joined IIM Bangalore as an Associate Professor in the Economics Area in May 2010. Prior to joining IIM Bangalore, he was a faculty member at the University Of Buffalo, New York (SUNY)…. Read More [Back]

Arvind Ramanathan

Arvind Ramanathan

Advisory Board Arvind Ramanathan Faculty member inStem Nutrients and their metabolism are an important driving forces in maintaining tissue homeostasis and are major targets in aging related skeletal muscle dysfunction. Increased skeletal muscle function and health are associated with favorable outcomes in metabolic disease and health-span…. Read More [Back]

Spenta Wadia

Spenta Wadia

Advisory Board Spenta Wadia (Chair) Faculty, ICTS-Infosys Homi Bhabha Chair, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) Spenta Wadia’s main research interests are in quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, string theory and quantum gravity. There is considerable overlap of these areas in light of the gauge-gravity duality of string theory. His other scientific interests are inRead more about Spenta Wadia[…]



[Back] Urban Life Urbanisation is a major social and environmental transformation occurring in countries across the globe. This thematic area is devoted to developing theoretical and applied knowledge for urban management, liveability and sustainability. Research in the below sub areas under this theme aims to develop sustainable solutions for urban health, climate change, water andRead more about Urban[…]



[Back] Futuristic Technologies & Solutions This thematic area aims to support collaborations that will pursue interdisciplinary research on futuristic areas that can drive economic growth through innovation. The sub areas identified under this theme are: Digital Health Active Matter and Robotics Jet Engine Monsoon, Climate and Weather Quantum Technologies Digital Health Participating Institutes: University ofRead more about Futuristic[…]