

IF THERE EVER WAS A TIME FOR PROACTIVE PHILANTHROPY IN THE WORLD, IT IS NOW. Not just ‘patchwork’ philanthropy, based only on charitable grants, but a new model that creates a virtuous cascade of economic enrichment. The reason why we became an ‘Innovation Philanthropy’ We believe that innovation that is founded on deep science andRead more about landing[…]



CAREERS Careers in innovation are as innovative as the jobs they perform. We have a host of exciting and challenging opportunities for seasoned as well as young talent. Visit the Central Portal where you can find all the Job Openings available in the SID universe whether they are with one of our divisions, our  innovation-realizationRead more about talent_1[…]



Intrapreneur In Residence You are an Intrapreneur. That is an Entrepreneur supported by  the IISc ecosystem. This means having all the benefits of being an entrepreneur without the direct risks. You get the returns of commercializing the innovation, while your basic sustenance is covered as you work to bring the idea to life. Coming Soon



IIR Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sintRead more about talent_3[…]



EchoSphere EchoSphere is a platform to bring together various actors in the innovation sphere, wherever they are in their innovation journey. At EchoSphere an entrepreneurial innovator may find co-founders and set up a startup. A startup may find strategic investors and become a small business. A small business may forge alliances with an MNC andRead more about ecosystem_1[…]



LEAP Webseries Online events to allow for engagement between various stakeholders of the innovation economy. This year, we touch upon different aspects  of the TIME2 square model through short web sessions. In each episode we reflect on rethinking a part of the innovation ecosystem. These series will feature prominent thinkers, and lesser known doers. SomeRead more about ecosystem_2[…]



LEAP Network In the LEAP network we bring together manufacturing and service MSMEs, professionals and government and non-government entities across the spectrum including but not limited to branding, marketing, IPR, scientists, bureaucrats, technocrats, legal, HR, taxation, finance, investment, policy, export-import, etc. under one umbrella to accelerate commercialization.When you become part of LEAP you get accessRead more about ecosystem_3[…]



SPACE These are intensive product+business strategy development sessions conducted by the TIME 2 team. SPACE sessions enable the key decision-makers of your company to strategize with scientists, designers, engineers, customers, investors and other stakeholders.We come together and explore new path-breaking ideas, assess for feasibility, sustainability, viability and desirability and crystalize a strategic execution road. ReadRead more about capability_9[…]



PDP In PDP we work on the design and development of a product and hand it over to the industry for commercialization. This program is designed for companies who want only a marketable product without investing in their own capability to make proprietary products. Though this is south of our mission to make companies Atmanirbhar,Read more about capability_8[…]



PIC The flagship program of TIME 2 offers industries the opportunity to collaborate with IISc and create a disruptive innovation to leapfrog their business to the next orbit. TIME 2 PIC (Platform Innovation Center) brings together the best talent and infrastructure in a time-bound structured process of product and technology innovation. Think of this asRead more about capability_7[…]