If you are an innovator with a bright idea for a physical product offering that could manifest in the real world, if only it had the support for prototyping, this program is for you. PRAYAS (Promoting and Accelerating Young and Aspiring Innovators & Startups) caters to idea-stage entrepreneurs and innovators. This is a scheme ofRead more about PRAYAS[…]



LEAP Summit 2018 Highlights LEAP Summit 2017 Impact LEAP Summit 2017 Words from participants – MxP 2017 LEAP Summit 2017 Highlights



When you become part of the LEAP Network you get access to an exclusive curated network that allows for a mutually beneficial interaction between a trusted pool of professionals, advisors and visionary entrepreneurs. It enables Industry Members (Startups/MSMEs/MNCs) to access high quality expertise from Network members (Knowledge/Practice/Facilitators/Support) that could help them rapidly create innovations, takeRead more about leap[…]